
Banking - Finance - EconomyCommunityEducationFarming & FoodJustice & PolicingMedia - Mainstream Vs. AlternativePoliticsUkraineUncategorised

Ukraine War – A Money Laundering & Land Grab Scheme for Blackrock & U.S. Corporations – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“Yeah, of course it’s not. So why do they call it a loan? Because if they call it a loan, they can impose loan conditions. And what are the loan conditions that we impose on them?

Number 1. An extreme austerity program. So that if you’re poor in Ukraine, you’re going to be poor forever.
Number 2. Most important, Ukraine has to put all of its government owned assets up for sale to Multinational Corporations.”

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Banking - Finance - EconomyCommunityMedia - Mainstream Vs. AlternativeUncategorised

Master of the Irish High Court Calls Out Vulture Funds – from Ireland to Wall Street

“Master Honohan’s paper also highlights the levels of cooperation between State bodies in Ireland and American vulture funds which are effectively defrauding Irish homeowners. The vulture funds, with their legal teams, dishonestly seek possessions capitalizing on charges on Irish homeowners’ land folios.”

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Banking - Finance - EconomyCommunityCommunity-Public BankingEducationMedia - Mainstream Vs. AlternativeSME's - Small & Medium Size EnterprisesUncategorised

Prof. Richard Werner on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC): How They Prepare You To Be Their Slave

At the Amsterdam Science Summit 2022, professor and best-selling author and Banking Professor Richard Werner lectured the audience on the CBDCs and the 2030 Agenda.
Q&A and Interview afterwards.

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World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme & Plan to Control The World’s Resources Utilizing ESG & the “Green” Agenda

ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) is one tactic being used to push the “green” agenda forward. While the notion of a pollution-free world is an attractive one, ultimately this isn’t about the environment — it’s all about creating a control system in which the world’s resources are owned by the richest of the rich, while the rest of the population can be controlled through the allocation of those resources, including energy.

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The Digital-Financial Complex now Controls the World – Ernst Wolff

“The digital-financial complex. At its head are the five largest IT companies in the world on the digital side: Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft and Meta, formerly Facebook, and on the financial side the largest asset managers, BlackRock and Vanguard.” “Since then (2007/08), Blackrock has been advising the two largest central banks in the world, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the American Federal Reserve.”

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