

RTE Investigation Into Local Authorities Revels False Accounting, Employee Fraud & Forged Documents. 

“Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas, and politicians are not inclined to want more meaningful or thorough oversight of them or to disclose more of their financial interests. It’s called local government, but it doesn’t mean that it’s any less important than national government.  For that reason, public have to have confidence that it’s being managed and overseen as it ought to be.” John Devitt, CEO Transparency International.

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The Plandemic Enters Final Stage, Real Purpose Exposed

Financial Surveillance Powers Will Be Permanently Expanded:
Under the act, banks are empowered to seize the personal bank accounts of anyone suspected of participating in the protest, or supporting it with as little as a $25 donation. Disturbingly, the surveillance powers over financial transactions granted by the act are actually intended to become permanent.

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