The Constitution of Ireland – Is the Blue Book the Real Deal?
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Are we Sovereign as individuals?
Is the State Sovereign?
Where does Sovereignty lie?
Which version of the Constitution is valid?
Definition of sovereignty (Merriman-Webster Dictionary)
a: supreme power especially over a body politic
b: freedom from external control : AUTONOMY
AUTONOMY; the quality or state of being self-governing especially : the right of self-government
Synonyms for sovereignty
- autonomy, freedom, independence, independency, liberty, self-determination, self-governance, self-government
Very informative Interview below from Joe Dalton Youtube Channel
Bunreacht na hÉireann: A study of the Irish text, Micheál Ó Cearúil
Bunreacht-na-hEireann-a-study-of-the-Irish-text-Micheal-O-Cearuil.-bmc-7-35986245-fNote: The Irish Language is the Principle Language of the State. Where there are interpretation disputes in matters of law, the Irish text has supremacy.
“As, in accordance with Article 25.5.4*, the Irish text prevails in the case of conflict between the texts, in the context of a comprehensive review
of the Constitution, consideration must first be given to emending the English text to bring it into conformity with the Irish.” A study of the Irish text, Micheál Ó Cearúil

Declaration of independence – Dublin, 21 January 1919
Message to the Free Nations of the World – Dublin, 21 January 1919